樱花苹果奶冻塔Sakura Yogurt Tart

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    90 Mins
  • Type
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Tart Ingredients


Sakura Apple Jam Ingredients


Yogurt Panna Cotta Ingredients


    Step 1

    苹果去皮切小丁,放入锅内,与黄糖、柠檬汁,小火煮至软。Peel and dice the apples and put in a pot with brown sugar and lemon juice. Cook on low heat until the apples are soft.

    Step 2

    加入樱花干,拌匀,离火,待凉,备用。Add the dried sakuras, mix well, remove from heat, let cool and set aside.

    Step 3

    将牛油和糖粉搅拌至均匀细腻后,加入鸡蛋,搅拌至均匀。Mix the butter and icing sugar until smooth and creamy, then add the egg and mix until well combined.

    Step 4

    加入所有粉类,拌成团后,包上保鲜膜,放入雪柜冷藏1个小时,备用。Add all the flour and mix to form a dough. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate in the freezer for 1 hour.

    Step 5

    取出作法3的冷塔皮,分成6份面团,放入入纸杯内,按压成均匀的塔壳,然后在饼底戳洞。Take the cold tart crust from step 3 and divide it into 6 portions. Place each portion in a paper cup, press it evenly to form a pie shell, and prick holes in the bottom.

    Step 6

    放入已预热180℃的烤箱内,烤约15-18分钟左右,即可取出待凉,备用。Preheat the oven to 180℃, then bake the tart crust for about 15-18 minutes. Take it out and let it cool, set aside.

    Step 7

    30毫升牛奶加入吉利丁粉,拌至融化后,连同樱花粉和糖粉加入优格内,拌至均匀。Mix 30ml milk with gelatin powder until melts, then add sakura powder and powdered sugar to plain yogurt and mix well.

    Step 8

    接着,将作法7的优格奶冻,装入裱花袋内,备用。Put the yogurt panna cotta from step 7 into a pastry bag and set it aside.

    Step 9

    取出作法6的塔壳,舀入适量的樱花苹果酱,再挤上适量的优格奶冻,以樱花做点缀,放入密封盒子,冷藏60分钟后取出,即可享用。Take the tart crust from step 6, scoop in a suitable amount of sakura apple jam, then squeeze in a suitable amount of yogurt panna cotta. Use sakuras as a decoration. Put it in a sealed container and refrigerate for 60 minutes before serving.
